Under slow continuous development - Last updated: Jan. 8, 2016
Edmonton turns garbage into (bio)fuel - first on industrial scale - any objection to this?
Let’s Talk About Soil --- Global Soil Week 2019 summary report
Peak Soil: Why biofuels are unsustainable and a threat to America

Building from local materials, local food:
Mud Girls
Urban Homestead School

Solar: Can a chainsaw be ever powered by a built-in solar-panel? A car? A train?

Phoenix Gathering: dialogue on the new approaches to the crises that face humanity and the natural world.
Relocalization (additional links/notes); Phoenix 2?

Canada: Save trees by saying NO to junk mail using a little-known Canada Post policy that has existed for more than 10 years:
Red Dot Campaign         CBC story on this campaign

Bicycle: The most efficient engine

Improve logging procedures:
Merv Wilkinson’s selective logging   (Wildwood in 2009,   Wildwood now   e.g. From Merv's apprentice to TLC)
For sustainable logging

Diskless computers:
Use diskless computers (workstations). The life estimate of diskless clients: more than 300 years without any upgrades.

Linear Combustion Engine provides highly efficient conversion of energy released by burning fuel into electricity without any rotating parts - could be used in efficient hybrid cars:
Basic principle         Prototype in video         Hybrid vehicles

Decrease your ecological footprint:
Off-grid mini-home to deliver anywhere in North America

March, 2007: It now seems that ethanol-blended gasoline does actually not produce less pollution than ordinary gasoline, see for example this report.
I have also seen claims that to produce 1 litre of biodiesel, about 0.8 litre of gasoline are needed to power agricultural machinery used to grow biomass for biodiesel production.
Thus the only advantage of bio-fuels seems to be that there are made from renewable sources. However, drive for large scale production of bio-fuels may lead (has already led) to more deforestation or to the decrease of land area available for food production. Apparently, only bio-fuels produced from organic wastes or using existing arable land that is currently not needed for food production are having an overall positive effect. Again, the best way to help environment is to decrease energy consumption.

June 2007: Peak Soil: Why cellulosic ethanol, biofuels are unsustainable and a threat to America


Original text: Nature-friendly vehicle fuels from renewable resources:
Canadian Renewable Fuels
Mohawk’s ethanol-blended gasoline

Bio-diesel is essentially solar energy transformed by photosynthesis, can be produced from fast growing algae, also some of the vast amounts of land in North America used for grazing animals and producing cattle feed could be switched to growing plants for bio-diesel production. The most energy efficient and still affordable vehicles at the present state of technology are diesel-electric hybrids.
Canadian Bio-diesel Information Centre
The Veggie Van in 2008 - find a book there with instructions how to make your own bio-diesel from the used vegetable oil.       The Veggie Van in 2018       The Veggie Van now
Calgary Boiled Frog Co-op makes biodiesel
Crude Country Biofuels (Calgary) converts diesel engines to straight vegetable oil
National Biodiesel Board (USA) - Bio-Diesel Canada (gone; thus confirming biodiesel unsustainability?) - was: CBC on Biodiesel
CBC: Carbon Conundrum

From Alberta Motor Association Newsletter: "Biodiesel is a growing phenomenon in Europe where 30 per cent of passenger vehicles are diesel (compared to one to two per cent in North America). In Germany, for example, 1,100 stations sell biodiesel.

Pure Plant Oil Fuel for Cuba


2012, Graham Turner: population and resource peak predicted to occur in 2030 in the 1972 Club-of-Rome business-as-usual scenario seems to be almost on track:
Full report
Smithonian article
Video: G. Turner’s 2009 lecture
Yahoo News:
Physical limits to economic growth
exclamation mark

Radio Ecoshock

City Farmer News

An inconvenient truth

Another Inconvenient Truth: meat eating not sustainable at all; see also below

Do you know that the best, most economical and environmentally friendly, way to warm up your car engine is to drive away (slowly) immediately (within seconds) after you start the engine?

Modern vehicles are built to go from cold, and idling a vehicle to warm it up wastes gas and offers little benefit. As long as the windows are frost free, a vehicle can be driven as soon as it is started.

Remote car starters are horrible for environment - you often see people starting their car half an hour or even longer before they get in them.

Conference: Degrowth in the Americas, May 13-19, 2012
Other eco tips pages: ---
Post-industrial diaper recycling
To produce 1 kg of beef requires on average 10 kg of grains that could be eaten directly instead. The current world production of grains, is about two billion tons annually. That is enough, in theory, to feed 10 billion primarily vegetarian East Indians. But the same amount can support only about 2.5 billion Americans, who convert a large part of their grains into livestock and poultry.

Meat over-consumption causes many health problems, which in turn lead to high medical system costs. Thus decreasing meat consumption could lead to many beneficial effects for the environment: would decrease medical costs, free land for bio-diesel production (see above), in total would decrease our over-all energy consumption, decrease our per capita ecological food print, improve environment.

There is no need to become a complete vegetarian but gradually reducing your meat consumption would be very beneficial for you.

July 28, 2008: Another Inconvenient Truth: meat consumption must be stopped completely!